Worship 101
Why do we Worship ? How do we worship ? What is Worship all about ? in these sessions it will be explained and it will inspire you to be a greater worshipper.
Choir Directing
There is nothing like standing in front of your choir and having confidence , knowing you have been trained but some of the best choir directors in Pentecost.
Leading Music For Worshop
There is nothing like standing in front of your choir and having confidence , knowing you have been trained but some of the best directors in Pentecost.
Connecting with your audience
Leading is more than just Singing, Directing Patterns. It is ushering people into his presences.
The Pastors wife and the Music Minister
There is nothing like standing in front of your choir and having confidence , knowing you have been trained but some of the best choir directors in Pentecost.
Vocal Helps
Vocal techniques for your improvement and development.
Leadership In Music Ministry
Working with a Team. you will have ideas on how to develop a team tat works together for the betterment of your Music Ministry.
Leading Worship
Standing in from of people leading them in Worship is a vital part of the Church, we give ideas on how to work with your pastor or ministry team to lead people into the Presence of God.
Working with small groups
Choosing songs, lead sheets , and developing talent in you local assembly.
Small Church Big Sound
Making your small gorup have a large church sound
Bridging the Generaltional GAP
Choosing songs, lead sheets , and developing talent in you local assembly.
The Female Music Minister
Sample Sessions
Evangelist Tim Marshall
Worship 101
Rev. Robert Eades
The Heart of the Worshipper